While most geographic placenames can be found on maps, many names of places in Ventura County related to the County's flora may be historic and no longer in use, or not "official"; therefore, those used in the Flora of Ventura County are listed here.   This page lists those names for places of Ventura County.
One source of coordinates for Ventura County places is California Maps website.   It provides latitude and longitude coordinates and the USGS topographic quadrangle map on which it occurs.   This site has lots of the placenames for the County; however, there are still more, all of which are (will be) listed below.

This page is still under construction, so check back later.
Teaser: Do you know where "Griffins" is?   I struggled with it for many years until finally I found out.
And, where is San Antonio Hill?   Olive Day Thacher, of the Thacher School family, collected several plants from "San Antonio Hill", but it is not on any maps.   It is somewhere in the Ojai Valley area, and I bet it is the hill that divides San Antonio Creek and the Ventura River, but if anyone knows for sure, please let me know.
Below is a list of the major watersheds within Ventura County:
- Cuyama River
- Santa Clara River
- Rincon Creek
- Ventura River
- Calleguas Creek
- Las Virgenis Creek
Below is a list of the biogeographic regions within Ventura County I have developed for the flora, listed alphabetically, with many local placenames associated with the bioregion included:
- Agua Blanca Creek
- Ant Camp
- Big Narrows
- Borracho Spring
- Cove Camp[site]
- Devils Gateway
- Hollister Site
- Kesters Camp[site]
- Alamo Mountain
- Alder Creek
- Alder Creek Camp[site]
- Big Spring
- Black Mountain
- Buck Creek
- Cobblestone Mountain
- Dome Mountain
- Dutchman Camp[ground]
- Little Mutau Camp[ground]
- McDonald Peak
- Sespe Hot Springs
- Sewart Peak
- Snow Creek
- Snowy Peak
- Twin Pine Camp[ground]
- White Mountain
- Anacapa Islands (West, Middle, and East)
- Arch Rock Peninsula
- Camel
- Cat Rock
- Cherry Canyon
- East Anacapa Island
- Fish Camp
- Frenchy's/Frenchman's Cove
- Lighthouse
- Middle Anacapa Island
- Sheep Camp
- West Anacapa Island
- Camarillo Hills
- Camarillo
- Pleasant Valley
- Chuchupate Valley
- Conejo Mountains
- Camarillo Regional Park
- Camarillo State Hospital/California State University Channel Islands
- Conejo Creek
- Conejo Grade
- Conejo Mountain
- Camarillo Springs
- Dos Vientos Ranch
- Hill Canyon
- Long Grade Canyon
- McCrea Wildlife Reserve
- Mount Clef
- Mountclef Ridge
- Norwegian Grade
- Round Mountain
- Wildwood Mesa
- Conejo Valley
- Adventist Peak
- Arroyo Conejo
- Broome Ranch
- Dos Vientos Ranch
- Newberry Park
- Potrero Valley
- Thousand Oaks
- Cuyama Badlands
- Apache Canyon
- Ballinger Camp[ground]
- Ballinger Canyon
- Burges Canyon
- Castle Canyon
- Corral Canyon
- Cuyama River
- Deer Park Canyon
- Dome Springs
- Dry Canyon
- Long Canyon
- Nettle Springs
- Oak Canyon
- Ozena Valley
- Ozena Camp[ground]
- Quatal Canyon
- Reyes Creek
- Schoolhouse Canyon
- Tinta Canyon
- Dry Lakes Ridge
- Bellyache Falls/Springs
- Dry Lakes
- Horseshoe
- Summit
- Summit Basins
- Wheeler Gorge
- Wheeler Gorge Campground
- Wheeler Hots Springs
- Frazier Mountain
- Arrastra Flat
- Chuchupate Camp[ground]
- Frazier Mountain Lookout
- Long Dave Valley
- Maxy Canyon
- Gold Hill
- Bear Gulch
- Bear Mountain
- Kings Camp[ground]
- Trail Canyon
- Hidden Valley
- Hungry Valley
- Hungry Valley State Recreational Vehicle Area
- Maxy Ranch
- Laguna Ridge
- Casitas Creek
- Casitas Valley
- Catharine Creek
- Chismahoo Mountain
- Coyote Creek
- East Casitas Pass
- Old Quarry
- Poverty Canyon
- Rincon Creek
- Superior Ridge
- West Casitas Pass
- Las Posas Valley
- Arroyo Las Posas
- Fox Barranca
- Honda Barranca
- Las Posas Hills
- Little Simi Valley
- Long Canyon
- Miligan Barranca
- Moorpark
- Somis
- Las Virgenis Creek
- Lake Sherwood
- Westlake Village
- Lockwood Valley
- Frazier Borax Mine
- Griffins
- Lockwood Creek
- Seymour Sage Flat
- Snedden Ranch
- Stauffer
- Matilija Canyon
- Ledge Pools
- Lyon[s] Springs
- Matilija Dam
- Matilija County Park
- Matilija Environmental Science Area (MESA)
- Matilija Hot Springs
- Matilija Lake
- Murietta Canyon
- Rattlesnake Canyon
- Upper North Fork Matilija Canyon
- Montalvo
- Monte Arido Mountain
- Mount Pinos
- Amargosa Creek
- Brush Mountain
- Camp Marion
- Chula Vista
- Iris Meadows
- Iris Point
- Lilly Meadows
- Lockwood Creek
- McGill Camp[ground]
- Mill Creek
- Mil Potrero
- Mount Abel
- Mount Pinos Camp[ground]
- San Emigdio Creek
- Sawmill Mountain
- Sheep Meadows
- Summit
- Three Falls
- Wagon Road Camp No. 1
- Wagon Road Camp No. 2
- Nordhoff Ridge
- Chief Peak
- Cozy Dell Canyon/Trail
- Dynamite Camp
- Dron Canyon
- Foothill Trail
- Gridley Canyon
- Horn Canyon
- Ilvento Preserve
- Howard Canyon
- Lion Canyon
- Lobelia Canyon
- McDonald Canyon
- McNell Creek
- Middle Lion Camp[ground]
- Nordhoff [Peak] Lookout
- Nordhoff Peak
- North Fork Matilija Creek
- Ojai Quarry
- Pratt Trail
- Rose Valley Falls
- Senior Canyon
- Sheldon Canyon
- Shelf Road/Valley View Trail
- Spruce Falls
- Stewart Canyon
- Stewart Canyon Debris Basin
- The Pines
- Valley View Camp[ground]
- Wheeler Gorge
- Wheeler Springs
- Ojai Valley
- Arbolada
- Besant Meadows
- California Preparatory School
- Camp Chaffee
- Camp Comfort
- Camp Ramah
- Casitas Springs
- Coyote Creek
- Creek Road
- Dennison Grade
- East End [Ojai Valley]
- Foster Park
- Kennedy Canyon
- Fox Canyon Barranca
- Kennedy Ridge
- Kristnamurti Meadows
- Krotona Hill
- Lake Casitas
- Libbey Park
- Live Oak Acres
- Meditation Mount
- Meiners Oaks
- Mirror Lake
- Oak View
- Ojai
- Ojai Creek
- Post Office Creek
- Rancho Matilija
- Rice Canyon
- Royal Oaks Dairy
- San Antonio Creek
- San Antonio Hill
- Santa Ana Creek
- Santa Ana Valley
- Sarizotti Park
- Soule Park
- Stewart Canyon Creek
- Thacher Creek
- Thacher School
- Topatopa Park
- Ventura River
- Ventura River Preserve
- Whale Rock
- Wills Canyon
- Ortega Hill
- Cherry Creek Canyon
- Council Rock
- Ladybug Canyon
- Oxnard Plain
- Calleguas Creek
- El Rio
- Hollywood Beach
- Hollywood By The Sea
- Hueneme Beach
- Mandalay Bay
- Mandalay Beach
- Mandalay Beach Park
- McGrath Lake
- Mugu Lagoon
- Ormond Beach
- Oxnard Shores
- Patterson Ranch
- Point Mugu Pacific Missle Test Center
- Port Hueneme
- Revelon Slough
- Silver Strand Beach
- Pierpont Bay
- Alessandro Lagoon
- Arundel Barranca
- Fairgrounds [County Agricultural]
- Pierpont Beach
- Pierpont Inn
- Prince Barranca
- San Buenaventura
- Sanjon Barranca
- Ventura Harbor
- Ventura Pier/Wharf
- Pine Mountain Ridge
- Adobe Creek
- Bear Canyon
- Bear Trap Camp
- Boulder Canyon [Trail]
- Burro Canyon
- Cedar Creek Camp[ground]
- Chorro Grande Canyon
- Chorro Springs
- Deal Trail
- Derrydale Canyon
- Fishbowls Camp[site]
- Godwin Canyon
- Haddock Camp
- Haddock Peak
- Horsethief Canyon
- Johnson Ridge [Trail]
- McGuire Springs
- Munson Canyon
- Mutau Flat
- Oak Camp[ground]
- Piedra Blanca Camp[ground]
- Piedra Blanca Creek
- Pine Mountain Camp[ground]
- Pine Mountain Lodge
- Potrero John Canyon
- Potrero Seco
- Raspberry Springs
- Reyes Creek
- Reyes Creek Camp
- Reyes Peak
- Reyes Peak Camp[ground]
- Rock Creek
- Sandstone Camp[ground]
- Snail Canyon
- South Fork Cedar Creek
- Summit [SR33]
- Thorn Meadows
- Thorn Point
- Twin Forks [Campground]
- Upper Bear Camp
- Upper Reyes Camp
- U.S. Gypsum quarry/mine
- Piru Creek
- Blue Point
- Buck Creek
- Ellis Apiary
- Gleason Flat
- Gold Hill Camp[ground]
- Grade Valley
- Halfmoon Camp[ground]
- Hardluck Camp[ground]
- Lake Piru
- Lexington [Site]
- Lockwood Creek
- Lockwood Flat
- Mutau Creek
- Piru Creek (upper, middle, and lower)
- Sunset Camp[ground]
- Pollard Point
- Red Mountain
- Ayers Creek
- Foster Park
- Javon Canyon
- Padre Juan Canyon
- Rodriguez Canyon
- Taylor Ranch
- Rincon Coast
- Dulah
- Emma Wood State Beach
- Faria Beach
- La Conchita
- Mussel Shoals
- Pitas Point
- Punta
- Punta Gorda
- Rincon Beach
- Rincon Point
- Sea Cliff
- Rincon Mountain
- Rincon Creek
- Rincon Ranch
- Rose Valley
- Rose Lakes (Upper and Lower)
- Pine Mountain Gun Club
- SeaBee Camp/Sheriff's Work Camp
- San Emigdio Range
- Apache Potrero
- Cowhead Potrero
- Valle View Camp[ground]
- San Guillermo Mountain
- Bear Ponds
- Guillermo Creek
- Piano Box Loop
- Pine Springs Camp[ground]
- Yellowjacket Meadows
- San Nicolas Island
- Airstrip
- Coral Harbor
- Seal Beach
- Thousand [1000] Springs
- Tule Canyon
- Spur Canyon
- Airfield Grade
- Mesa Canyon
- Santa Clara River Valley
- Bardsdale
- Camulos
- Fillmore
- Fillmore Fish Hachery
- Haines
- Limon
- Limoneira
- McGrath State Beach
- Newhall Ranch
- Piru
- Pole Creek
- Rancho Camulos
- Santa Clara River
- Santa Clara River mouth
- Santa Paula
- Saticoy
- Todd Barranca
- Valley View Ranch
- Santa Monica Mountains
- Boney Mountain/Peak
- Carlisle Canyon
- Clarks Peak
- Climbing Dune
- Circle X Ranch
- Deals Flat
- Deer Creek
- Laguna Peak
- La Jolla Valley
- Little Sycamore Canyon
- Mugu Peak
- Mugu Rock
- Neptune's Net
- Point Mugu State Park
- Sycamore Canyon
- Thornhill Broome State Beach
- Yellowhill Road
- Yerba Buena Road
- West Fork Arroyo Sequit
- Santa Paula Canyon
- Cross Camp
- Ferndale Ranch
- Mupu
- Pine Flat
- Punchbowl
- Santa Paula Creek Falls
- Saint Thomas Aquinas College
- Santa Paula Creek
- Steckel Park
- Sulphur Springs
- Santa Paula Ridge
- Bigcone Camp[ground]
- Mud Creek
- Orcutt Canyon
- Pine Flat
- San Cayetano Peak
- Santa Paula Peak
- Timber Canyon
- Toland Road Landfill
- Santa Rosa Valley
- Arroyo Santa Rosa
- Conejo Creek
- Pleasant Valley
- Tierra Rejada Valley
- Santa Susana Mountains
- Balcom Canyon
- Big Mountain
- Big Sky Ranch
- Grimes Canyon
- Happy Camp Canyon
- Hummingbird Ranch
- Newhall Ranch
- Oak Ridge
- Rocky Peak
- Salt Canyon
- Salt Creek
- Santa Susana Pass
- South Mountain
- Tapo Canyon
- Santa Ynez Mountains
- Divide Peak
- Divide Trail
- E[ast] Camino Cielo [Road]
- Kennedy Canyon
- Murietta Divide
- Ocean View Trail
- Ojala
- White Ledge Peak
- Sespe Creek (Upper, Middle, and Lower)
- Abadi Creek
- Bear Creek
- Bear Camp[ground]
- Beaver Camp[ground]
- Burro Creek
- Caltrans Maintenance Station
- Cherry Creek
- Chorro Grande Creek
- Cotterial Flat
- Derrydale Creek
- Fillmore
- Grassy Flat
- Green Cabins
- Hartman Cold Springs
- Lion Camp[ground]
- Munson Creek
- Piedra Blanca
- Pine Canyon
- Pine Mountain Inn
- Sespe Canyon
- Sespe Gorge
- Sespe Gorge Camp[ground]
- Tar Creek
- Ten Sycamore Flat
- Timber Canyon
- Trout Creek
- Tule Creek
- West Fork Sespe Creek
- Willett Hot Springs
- (Eastern) Sierra Madre Mountains
- Rancho Nuevo Canyon
- Tinta Camp[ground]
- Tinta Canyon
- Simi Hills
- Ahmanson Ranch
- Bell Canyon
- Black Canyon
- Box Canyon
- Burro Flats
- Chatsworth Peak
- Cheeseboro Canyon
- China Flat
- Lasky Mesa
- Las Virgenes Canyon
- Palo Commado Canyon
- Simi Peak
- Wood Ranch Reservoir
- Simi Valley
- Marr Ranch
- Rocky Pointe
- Santa Susana
- Santa Susana Knolls
- Sulphur Mountain
- Adams Canyon
- Saltmarsh Canyon
- Sulphur Mountain Road East
- Sulphur Mountain Road West
- Wheeler Canyon
- Topatopa Mountains
- Bear Heaven
- Bluff Camp
- Devils Heart Peak
- Hines Peak
- Howell's Place
- Horsethief Camp[site]
- Ladybug Camp[ground]
- McGuire Flat
- Red Reef Canyon/Trail
- Sisar Creek
- Topatopa Bluffs
- Topatopa Peak
- West Fork Sespe Creek
- Whiteledge Camp[ground]
- Upper Ojai Valley
- Black Mountain
- Dennison Grade
- Dennison Park
- Happy Valley School
- Lion Creek
- Ventura Hills
- Adams Canyon
- Aliso Canyon
- Arroyo Verde Park
- Barlow Canyon
- Canada de las Encinas
- Canada de San Joaquin
- Canada Larga
- Canada Seca
- Fagan Canyon
- Grant Park
- Hall Canyon
- Hammond Canyon
- Hampton Canyon
- Harmon Canyon
- Lake Canyon
- Leon Canyon
- Long Canyon
- Manual Canyon
- O'Hara Canyon
- Peppertree Canyon
- Prince Canyon
- Sanjon Barranca
- Sexton Canyon
- The Cross
- Two Trees
- Wheeler Canyon
- Lower Ventura River Valley
- Canada Larga
- Canet
- Chrisman
- Emma Wood State Beach
- Foster Park
- Hobo Jungle
- Gosnell Bend
- Ortonville
- Seaside Wilderness Park
- Taylor Ranch
- Ventura County Fairgrounds
- Ventura Oilfields
- Ventura River
- Ventura River mouth/estuary
- Wadstrom
- Weldons
- Whiteacre Peak Ridge
- Arundell Peak
- Baldy
- Blanchard Canyon
- Buckshot Spring
- Chino Flat
- Cow Springs
- Devils Potrero
- Dominguez Canyon
- Dough Flat
- Dripping Springs
- Hopper Canyon
- Hopper Mountain
- Hutton Peak
- Lime Canyon
- Little Sespe Creek
- Modelo Canyon
- Modelo Peak
- Oak Flat
- Oat Mountain
- Pigeon Flat
- Pole Creek
- Pothole Spring
- Reasoner Canyon
- Rodeo Flat
- Stone Corral
- Stone Corral Creek
- Sulphur Mountain
- Sulphur Peak
- Tar Creek
- The Pothole
- Whiteacre Peak
A map of the bioregions is found on the biogeography page.